Tuesday, March 27, 2012

参观农场 ~ 美食篇

有机会到GK有机农场一游,除了可以近距离接触有机,重新认识有机,最最最让人期待的应该就是她的五星级美食, 在这里爱。自然 借用摄影师的眼睛和最真实的言语为大家简单介绍一下 GK美食。大家请慢用~

平常都学monkey拨皮吃,偶尔模仿大象吃法也不赖, 嘻嘻!! 我也有吃,涩涩的+甜甜的 :p

100% wholesome :D 你敢一试吗?

幸运的话,还可以生吃 jagung (^_~)










口渴了,还有园地里新鲜的有机甘蔗水喝。 这是“限量版”哦! 先喝一杯,大家喝完了如果还有的话,还可再添一杯 =)








还有,还有。。。喝完水, Uncle Gan 为大家现场示范酵素的简单制作过程, 还有试吃!

就是这个 ~ Minty Basil Enzyme Cough Syrup 有机薄荷九层塔酵素, 传统的止咳良药!连小孩也为之疯狂, 赞!

12.15pm 午餐时间~
色·香·味·俱全!简直是美食天堂 ^^





Siok Inn Tan: "This is Thai pumpkin, I enjoy it so much!
It is as sweet as sweet potato!"
Yoga kee: "i donno how to describe the taste...fabulous!!!!the more u eat, the happier u will be..coz it is organic...hahahahahha....
never tot that organic food can be so so so so tasty horrr..."
Photo by Yoga Kee
Photo by Yoga Kee
各有各忙: 有人“抢吃”, 有人“抢拍”
from Thing Thing Lee's Photo Album
The dancing spoon...
Papaya jelly. 有没有看到一块块的木瓜?
这就是 real food ~ 其实只要懂得利用新鲜的食材,real food也可以色香味俱全!
Photo by Sally Fish
吃饱饱后, 自己做~垃圾分类!
Photo by Yoga Kee
Shopping time....
来有机菜园一定要买新鲜的有机蔬菜, 园主Uncle Gan说要选择当地当季的食物,不偏食,就是最好的~

Photo by Mayli Wong

*Menu may vary depending on the day’s harvest and chef’s inspiration.
No meat, no seafood or artificial “mock meat”.

1 comment:

  1. i went to GK farm twice oledi..
    Each time i went there i really get surprised with their 5 star organic recipes.
    The foods were well prepared & awesome tasty!

    Well done!
    i will come again to GK Farm..but pls dont increase the price, haha!
